Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I just downloaded Tangerine, a new app that is supposed to make itunes playlists of like tempoed songs. Pretty cool so far. You can get the free download while it is still in beta.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

IE7 first impressions...not good

1. I just downloaded ie7 on my work computer. I was having a problem with the way ie6 was displaying some css, so I thought, "If ie7 renders this properly, then I will just tell the client to upgrade." Well, ie7 made the same rendering mistakes. So much for all the hype.

2. I went to download an exe file to install. In ie6 it asked me once if I wanted to run this file. IE7? you guessed it, it asks me twice; I guess that is improved security.

When I told Kevin about this (over IM) all he said: "you expected?" I think that says it all.

My first impressions are that this is a poor product. Thanks Microsoft.

I will continue to post my impressions as they happen.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

has_parent? is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 2.0

For anyone using acts_as_tree the node.has_parent? method has been depricated. Instead, use node.parent, like this:

do something unless node.has_parent?

do something unless node.parent